Painter 2019, is it worth the price?
Corel makes some of the best paid art programs on the market. But is Corel Painter 2019 worth the cost? To answer this question I decided to review it using only my knowledge of Painter X3. With that in mind here are my personal experiences.
1. Installation.
In order to write my review I downloaded the trial version that is available to the general public. The download and install process was quick and easy with only a few minor glitches.
2. Auto painting.
Auto painting is possibly one of Corel painters best features. It allows you to quickly give your photos a painterly look with minimal effort. I was happy to find painter 2019 not only included this feature, but seems to have made it more stable then past versions. Below is an example using a photo I took of some flowers.
3. Brushes.
It goes with saying that the most important part of any art program is its selection of brushes. This is one of the major advantages to using Painter over programs such as Photoshop for digital painting. Painter 2019 has a huge selection of brushes so there is less need to make custom brushes. Many effects that would take a few minutes to make in Photoshop can be done in mere seconds using Painter.
Another great feature that Painter 2019 has is legacy brushes. So you can use your favorite brushes from older versions right from the start. In addition to nozzle brushes you now have the option of creating pattern brushes to make some interesting effects with less effort.
4. Paint with sound.
Corel Painter 2019 comes with a selection of audio expression brushes. They use the sound around you to adjust the size of the brushstroke as you paint. This gives you a whole new reason to leave your studio and paint on location.
5. Would I recommend Painter 2019?
First of all Corel Painter 19 is a great program overall. However its cost makes it a tough choice for basic painting if your considering an upgrade from an earlier version. On the other hand if your looking for a professional level art program and don’t have an earlier version I would feel comfortable recommending a purchase. You can find out more information and download a trial or purchase Painter 19 by clicking here.
I reviewed Corel Painter 19 using the free trail available to the general public. I didn’t receive any payment for this review.