Musics influence on art can’t be overstated. I lost track of the number of times music has influenced me. You can’t go wrong looking to music for influence. I have been able to increase my productivity because I have access to a great selection of songs.But just because you can use sites like spotify doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take in a live concert when you can. You will be amazed how many bands you will discover at a live show. For example I recently attended a Rob Zombie concert. The opening act Deadly Apples put so much passion in their show that I couldn’t help but feel creative. The driving highs and lows seemed to paint images in my mind. Alex Martel’s vocals went in and out of focus further expressing the feeling of each song.
Rob Zombie has proven to be another major influence on my art. many of the products on this site have been created while listing to his work. I have been able to meet many deadlines due to listening to bands such as these. I must also stress musics positive impact on my mood. It seems like whenever your stressed out by life one can rely on music to get over the hump. You can see musics influence for yourself by doing the following.
- Decide what medium you want to use
- Pck one uplifting song and one depressing song
- Create one image for each of the two songs. Don’t worry how they actually look, just let things happen.
You can do this test using any style of music you prefer. Above all it is important to have fun creating art. And don’t forget to take pictures of your surroundings to use as a reference. I was lucky enough to be able to snap this picture during my encounter with Deadly Apples lead singer Alex Martel.